Heliospheric Physics Research Group (HPRG)

Principal Investigator

Manuela Temmer

Institute of Physics, University of Graz
Universitätsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz
Email: manuela.temmer @ uni-graz.at
Phone: +43 316 380-8610
More Information


Science group:


Greta Cappello (PhD student)

Substructures of CMEs and their solar sources (YRP with IWF/TU Graz)

Daniel Milosic (PhD student)

Formation of high speed solar wind streams from corona to IP space / ESA Space Safety service maintenance (H-ESC)

Yuncong Li (PhD Student - external)

SEPs and solar wind properties

Yara De Leo (Guest Researcher)

Investigating coronal mass ejections using Metis data

Lukas Höfig (Master student)

e-CALLISTO and automatized radio burst detection

Lukas Drescher (Master student)

ESA I-ESC service SODA development (joint project with TU Graz - S. Krauss)

Georg Blüthner (Master student)

Sequencing of L1 in-situ data by using machine learning 

Andrea Lienhart (Master student)

Experimental determination of the Thomson sphere diameter

Technical Support:


Rober Maderbacher (Ing.)

ESA-SWESNET Space Safety Services; SWAP


Faces to (some of) the names...  


Group picture February 2023: